Thursday, March 20, 2025


 So I’m working on the very beginnings of continuing the waking up series and the possibly either the snatcher series or the body hopper series. Before I started I wanted to know if anyone had any suggestions for story lines. Comment if you have any and if I ever get them done I’ll throw in a special thanks in  there for giving me the idea. Have a great day and hopefully you guys have some ideas for me 


Lazy Ninjas 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Hello old friend

 The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. It’s been awhile. I finally got access to this account again. I have a plan for 2025 where hopefully more content can be put out for you guys. What content that will be I’m not sure of yet. I’m leaning more towards celeb stories since I lost my laptop and all the captions I ever created. So I don’t know what’s coming in 2025 if anything, but I’m working on new stuff, if I’m welcomed back of course.


Sunday, September 4, 2022

Way too long

 Its been way too long but I've returned. I needed to get real life issues resolved and I feel like I took way too long to come back but I guess its better to be late than to never come back. I wont have a schedule for now but I can wait to continue this journey with those who patiently waited. 

Edit: For some reason I cant comment on my posts but know I do read them when I can


Device In The Dumpster


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Why I was gone for so long

 Hello everybody, it’s me LazyNinjas. As you probably know, I’ve been gone from the captioning world  most of the summer and fall.  This was not by choice. I had the unfortunate luck of catching Covid 19. And I was in the hospital for 2 months. And then I had computer troubles. Good news I plan to be back in early 2021. Thank you all for standing by me as I’ve dealt with these issues. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Be back in June

Forgot to tell y’all but I’m on vacation until June 1st and needed some personal time. Will be back soon. Hope you’re all doing well in this tough time. 

